I didn’t invent this recipe, but I’ve been using it for years and can’t remember where it came from. Let me tell you, this cake is gorgeous.
It’s fragrant and heavy like a poundcake, but light enough that I can eat a whole piece,
frosted, without recoiling at the sugar overload. This cake can easily stand alone without frosting, so it’s the perfect cake for any kind of pan that makes cute little molded cakes with details that you don’t want to frost over. I’ve make this recipe in a pan that makes little Easter egg shapes, and I have one of those pans that will make little pumpkin-shaped cakes. You know what I mean. I just sprinkle powdered sugar atop those cakes and call it a (delicious) day.
This year, for Mother’s Day, I made this cake for my mom in a traditional tube pan (just like a bundt pan but the bottom comes apart from the sides) and dressed it up with lavender icing, a little dried lavender and Marcona almonds (roasted with rosemary) from Trader Joe’s, sprinkled on top.
It was a HUGE hit. So, I figured I would codify this recipe here, for all of us, in case I can never find the original source again! Eat cake for breakfast my friends, and have a good week.