February is for Red Wine Braised Short Ribs

…and mashed potatoes, and kale chips, and, well, red wine… and fleece pajamas and fires and reading before the fireplace and cat snuggles and not really worrying about anything else.


Seeing how it’s still the dead of winter here, and I am (mercifully) not training for a Spring race (turns out not qualifying for the Boston Marathon, which is sixty days from now, was a blessing), I am focused on short ribs and not so much on training this month.  That will all be changing, as the ice on the pond melts and we fire up the grill and open the kitchen windows to let in the warm breezes… but for now, let’s crank up those ovens, runaway with some short ribs, mashed potatoes and kale chips, and enjoy the heck out of them while we can.




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